<p>Watan (noun) : A birthplace or a geographical boundary in which you belong, and feel a special emotional attachment to (Home Land).</p><p>Not only a reminder about the meaning of “watan”. The word Homeland is a name, but most likely […]
<p>A <strong>unisex name</strong> (also known as an <strong>epicene name</strong>, a <strong>gender-neutral name</strong> or an<strong> androgynous name</strong>) is a given name that is not gender-specific.</p><p> This is a small list of unisex Names for your Baby girl or boy …</p> […]
<p>Humans look up to and admire the animals for their beauty, speed, strength and intelligence – traits that we would love to see in our kids.</p><p>Many parents get inspiration to name their children after some animals.</p><p class="has-text-align-right">.ينظر البشر إلى […]
<p>Al-kunyah is a way to call a Dad or Mom using their eldest child’s first name (boy/girl).</p><p>By saying Abou (father of) or Umm (Mother of) followed by the name of their first born.</p><p>Such as Father of Sammy, or …</p> […]
<p class="has-text-align-right">نعم انا بحكي وبكتب بالعربي وبكل فخر ، وولادي بالغربة ما بيحكو الا عربي، وعم بتعب جهدي ليتعلموا يكتبوا بالعربي. بوقت صارت اللغة العربية ببلادا دقة قديمة. الاهل بعلموا ولادن لغة الغرب قبل لغتون الام.</p><p class="has-text-align-right">بطلنا نحنا !! </p><p class="has-text-align-right">للأسف. </p><p>Let’s […]
<p class="has-text-align-right"> ! كتير اوقات منصادف ناس منعرف أصلن من إسمن او من شكلون، فكيف اذا كان التنين سوا</p><p class="has-text-align-right">.إسم بيشبهنا بكل شي، بشكلنا وأهلنا وأصلنا وبيئتنا…</p> […]
<p>If only we were like names, years would not change us, and if our love was like death, it would not be repeated twice.…</p> […]
<p>Our parents spent days or weeks to pick a name for us. A lot stands behind our name, and we stand proud of it no matter the circumstances and history (good or bad)</p><p>Unfortunately we’ve become numbers in the eyes […]
<p>Long live the Names (3ashit el Asami)</p><p>It’s an Arabic saying. When you introduce yourself and say your name, It’s an Arabic tradition for someone to reply by saying (3ashit el asami)</p><p>It means nice name and wishing the name …</p> […]
<p>Did you know that the Arabic Language is called “The language of Dād”(لُغَة الضَّاد) ? </p><p>Arabic Language is the only Language in the world that has the letter Dād (ض), it’s one of the most difficult letters to pronounce. It’s […]
<p>The beauty of a name comes form the name itself, the meaning it holds and the way it sounds. The person makes us fall in love with their names.…</p> […]
<p class="has-text-align-right">بكل فخر… بالعربي أحلى </p><p class="has-text-align-right">في أحلى من الحكي العربي؟ </p><p class="has-text-align-right">في أحلى من الكتابة بالعربي؟ </p><p class="has-text-align-right">في أحلى من الابجدية؟ </p><p class="has-text-align-right">في أطيب من الاكل العربي؟ </p><p class="has-text-align-right">في أحلى من الموسيقى العربية؟ </p><p class="has-text-align-right">….في أحلى من الرقص الشرقي؟</p><p class="has-text-align-right">كل شي بالعربي أحلى…</p> […]
<p>Be Proud of Your Arabic Name, don’t let people butcher it.</p><p>Arabic names are beautiful and unique in the way they’re pronounced, written, and the meaning behind them.</p><p>Most Arabic names are uncommon outside of that Arab world making the …</p> […]
<p>As an Arab mom of two beautiful little girls living abroad, I want to make sure they become fluent in Arabic, our mother tongue. My goal for them is to speak, read, and write the Arabic language on top of […]
<p>A resource page that contains advice and instructions on how to make the best use of your Baby Arabic Names <strong>Arabic Alphabet Play Dough Stamps</strong> to teach your child Arabic in a fun entertaining way.</p><p class="has-black-color has-luminous-vivid-amber-background-color has-text-color has-background"><strong>Tip:</strong> Paint […]
<p>Vetting your child’s name while in mommy’s belly is the smartest thing you can do for your child’s future. Arabic names are beautiful yet kids might use the name as a bullying tool or as a way to make fun […]
<p class="has-text-align-right">كنت بأول حمل الي ومتل ايا تنين محتارين شو بدنا نسمي بنتنا. اسم صغير وناعم وحلو ومنو صعب اللفظ واسم عربي اكيد. ولأنو عايشين بالغرب بدنا اسم يتماشا مع الغرب يقدروا يلفظوه صح وما يكون الو معنى تاني بلغّة […]
<p><br />An unprecedented health epidemic we have encountered the main thing we wish for is good health for our family, especially our little ones. The good thing is no matter how bad it gets, there is a light at the […]
<p>Many of us are being quarantined at home due to the coronavirus COVID-19. Quarantine at home with the entire family is our new routine, whether we like it or not. It is safer for our babies, and safer for us […]
<p></p><p>Put your self in place of your future child. Imagine your child as a grown up person, with the name you picked for them. Have you pick the right name?</p><p>“The number one tip is to stop, and put yourself in the […]