How to pick a baby Arabic name?

Put your self in place of your future child. Imagine your child as a grown up person, with the name you picked for them. Have you pick the right name?

“The number one tip is to stop, and put yourself in the shoes of your future child. As they grow, attend school, and develop life of their own as an adult,” says the co-founder of “If you’re starting out in your life today, is this the name you want people to call you?”

If the answer is yes, you’re on the right track. If not, it’s time to go back to the drawing board.

Additionally, trendy names shouldn’t be your first pick. “More than ever before, parents seem focused on finding a name that is distinctive, unique, and that everyone will like and no one has.”

When people choose a name, they do not realize how much they are being influenced by current world events. Try to rise above what’s going on today, zoom out, disconnect, and keep things simple.

Analysis paralysis, the more we look at names, the more confused we become.

Some couples might get into arguments when discussing baby names. The moment the conversation starts going south, take a break, and continue the discussion the next day. There are no winners and losers here, it’s not about our ego. Remember, it’s always about the child.

As in many other traditions, Arabic parents like to name their children after a family member, mostly after their father or mother. That’s a great idea. Just keep in mind that some names tend to get outdated, and out of style. Again think about it from your child’s future view point.

Consider naming your child a universal name. Let’s say you live in the US, Europe, Australia, etc… You want to honor your culture by naming your child an Arabic name. Yet you don’t want people in the future to butcher the child’s name, or discriminate against it (your last name will take care of that part). A great solution is to name your child something that can be used across the Arabic and Western cultures.

Parents have become much more conscious about the power of a name. Especially parents of different ethnicities.

The increased awareness in today’s society drives parents to brand their kids names. Some say that names that easily roll off our tongues make better impressions. A study of a few hundred lawyers showed that those with easy to pronounce names advanced faster and higher in their careers.

There are plenty of name ideas that will make you proud and your child happy. Reach out to us at if you need help narrowing down your search.

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